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Your Guide to Finding The Best Finance Internship

Written By
By Munira Maricar
Travel Writer
The Millennial's Guide to Personal Finance and Wealth Building

In the evolving landscape of the finance industry, securing an internship has become a pivotal step for aspiring professionals. Whether you’re eyeing a finance internship for summer 2024 or spring 2024, understanding the nuances of these opportunities can significantly impact your career trajectory. From high school students to undergraduates, the quest for the perfect finance internship involves many considerations, including resume crafting, interview preparation, and developing the essential skills to thrive in such roles.

Types and Timing of Finance Internships

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Finance internships come in various forms, catering to different stages of academic and professional development. High school students are increasingly in the spotlight, with specific programs designed to introduce them to the finance world early on. Similarly, undergraduates can find opportunities spanning from summer youth internship programs to part-time positions that accommodate academic schedules.

International internships deserve special mention for their unique benefits; they not only offer immersion in global financial markets but also foster cultural exchange and network expansion beyond domestic boundaries. This exposure is invaluable, broadening understanding and offering a distinctive edge in the competitive finance sector.

For those planning ahead, it’s crucial to note the deadlines for applications, which vary depending on the program’s start date, be it summer 2024, spring 2024, or even looking ahead to finance internships in 2025. Remote internships have also gained traction, offering flexibility and broadening the scope of opportunities available, regardless of geographical limitations.

Crafting Your Application


A standout finance internship resume is your ticket to securing an interview. Tailor your resume to highlight relevant coursework, projects, and any previous work experience, even if it’s not directly related to finance. For those with no experience, emphasizing transferable skills such as analytical abilities, proficiency in software like Excel, and strong communication skills can make a significant difference.

The cover letter is your chance to tell your story. Here, you can elaborate on why you’re drawn to a particular finance internship, how it aligns with your career goals, and what you hope to bring to the table. Be concise and genuine, and articulate your enthusiasm for the role and the world of finance.

The Interview Stage

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Preparing for finance internship interview questions is paramount. Expect a mix of technical questions, which may test your financial knowledge and analytical skills, and behavioral questions designed to understand how you approach challenges and work within teams. Common questions could range from explaining financial concepts in layman’s terms to discussing a financial news piece that caught your interest recently.

What to Expect and How to Excel

Interns in finance roles can expect to engage in a variety of tasks—analyzing financial statements, assisting with reports, conducting market research, and even participating in client meetings. The key to excelling is not just in performing these tasks competently but also in demonstrating eagerness to learn, adaptability, and the ability to work effectively in a team.

Interns should aim to absorb as much knowledge as possible about financial modeling, market analysis, and the regulatory environment impacting their field. Being proactive in asking for feedback and seeking out mentorship can enhance the learning experience significantly.

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Are finance internships paid?

The answer largely depends on the company and the location of the internship. There are paid internships available, though they may require more effort to secure. If you’re aiming to find an internship that pays, here are some steps you can follow:

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  1. Understand Visa and Tax Implications: Securing an international internship involves navigating work visa requirements and understanding foreign tax obligations. Each country has its own set of regulations for work visas, which can significantly impact your eligibility and the application process. Also, familiarize yourself with any tax responsibilities in the host country, as well as how international income might affect your tax situation back home.
  2. Identify Your Target Companies: Research companies in your field of interest that have a presence in Asia. Make a list of potential employers that align with your career goals.
  3. Check Company Websites: Visit the career or internship sections of the company websites to look for available paid internship opportunities.
  4. Network: Utilize platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals working in your target companies. Networking can provide insider information on upcoming internships and potentially lead to referrals.
  5. Prepare Your Application: Tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight your skills and experiences relevant to the internship. Make sure to emphasize your willingness to work in Asia and any language skills or international experience you have.
  6. Reach Out Directly: If you don’t find any advertised internships, consider reaching out directly to the companies’ HR departments or hiring managers. A well-crafted general application can sometimes lead to an opportunity that wasn’t publicly advertised.

Remember, securing a paid internship in finance may require persistence and patience, but the professional experiences gained can be well worth the effort.

Alternatively, some organizations and agencies specialize in placing interns in internship positions worldwide. While these may come with a fee, they provide valuable support, ensuring you don’t feel alone in a new country.

Finding International Finance Internships

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Securing a finance internship requires diligence and resourcefulness. Researching, networking, attending industry events, and leveraging university career services can uncover opportunities that might not be widely advertised. Online platforms and forums can also provide insights and tips from peers and professionals who’ve navigated the process successfully.

Alternatively, to truly stand out from the crowd, you can explore finance internships abroad. Explore the following reputable internship providers and get started interning internationally!

Maximo Nivel

Serving over 100,000 individuals since its inception in Peru in 2003, Maximo Nivel offers diverse programs including internships, in Latin America. It’s renowned for being accredited by the Ministries of Education in Guatemala and Peru, a Global Associate member of NAFSA, and recognized by Bildungsurlaub in Germany. Upholding high standards, its programs include comprehensive services like accommodations, meals, and on-ground support, ensuring a quality international internship experience.


Maximo Nivel’s micro-business internships in Latin America offer unparalleled opportunities for those looking to dive into the finance sector. With programs across Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Peru, interns gain firsthand exposure to the dynamic world of international business, particularly in robust sectors like tourism and small business development. These internships are perfect for individuals eager to understand global commerce practices and contribute creatively to micro-enterprises with limited resources. 

By focusing on marketing, sales, client service, and accounting, interns not only help local businesses expand their reach to international markets but also significantly enhance their Spanish business vocabulary and cross-cultural communication skills. This makes Maximo Nivel’s internships an invaluable experience for anyone aiming to become a globally-minded business professional.

Intern Abroad HQ

Intern Abroad HQ offers a diverse range of internships spanning 250 positions across 24 career fields in 23 countries. Their programs range from 2 to 24 weeks, with start dates available throughout the year.  Remote internships, ranging from 100 to 350 hours, are also available. 

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The organization provides academic credit options and a fully hosted experience including accommodation, meals, and airport pick-up for some programs. Comprehensive support includes personalized planning, orientation, coaching, and post-internship benefits like international references and certification.

Explore Intern HQ’s finance internship placements worldwide:

  • Finance Internships Across Spain: Embark on a comprehensive finance journey in Spain’s leading cities — Barcelona, Madrid, and Valencia — each offering unique insights into the country’s financial sector. From Barcelona’s fintech innovations and Madrid’s competitive financial hub to Valencia’s diverse industry placements, interns gain hands-on experience in financial analysis, market research, and strategic development. These programs meld practical skill-building with cultural immersion and mentorship, fostering both professional growth and language competency in vibrant Spanish settings.
  • Finance Internships in New York, USA: Position yourself in the epicenter of the global finance world with an internship in New York City. Gain invaluable experience in financial analysis, client support, and recruitment strategies within the bustling environment of Wall Street, enhancing your resume and professional network in the finance capital.
  • Finance Internships in Sydney, Australia: Leverage Sydney’s status as a leading financial center in the Asia Pacific to build your career in finance. This program offers exposure to corporate finance, advisory services, and financial analysis, providing a comprehensive understanding of business operations and financial strategies in a global context.
  • Finance & Trade Internships in Bali, Indonesia: Embrace the unique opportunity to learn finance and trade in the beautiful setting of Bali. Customized to match individual interests and skills, interns can engage in financial reporting, auditing, and investment analysis with local firms, enriching their experience with the island’s cultural and commercial landscape.
  • Microfinance Internships in Morocco: Contribute to socio-economic development through microfinance internships in Rabat, Morocco. This program focuses on capacity building, economic integration, and supporting small businesses with financial strategies, offering interns a profound understanding of microfinance’s impact on vulnerable populations and the opportunity to develop professional skills in a diverse environment.

Projects Abroad

Projects Abroad’s Microfinance Internships are ideal for finance enthusiasts wanting to impact the world positively and are great for those interested in business and making a difference. You’ll develop key skills like teamwork, leadership, and time management while gaining practical business experience abroad. Working across cultures boosts your growth and global understanding, and stepping out of your comfort zone builds confidence.

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What makes Projects Abroad’s program stand out is its focus on truly benefiting the communities it serves. Working alongside microfinance pros, you’ll see how small loans can significantly impact individuals and their communities, making this a rewarding and educational experience.

Explore Projects Abroad’s finance internship placements worldwide:

  • Micro-finance Internship in Cambodia: Support entrepreneurs in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, to achieve financial independence through business training and micro-loans. This internship is suitable for individuals with intermediate English skills, providing a comprehensive understanding of micro-finance in a developing context. Tasks include interviewing loan beneficiaries, monitoring businesses, and providing training, making a tangible impact while gaining valuable experience.
  • Micro-finance Internship in Tanzania: Empower female entrepreneurs from underprivileged backgrounds in Tanzania to achieve financial independence. Interns assist in creating business plans & marketing strategies and conducting workshops under expert guidance. Ideal for those passionate about finance, international development, and entrepreneurship, this program offers hands-on experience in micro-finance while contributing significantly to sustainable development. No prior experience is necessary, and interns can join year-round for a minimum of two weeks, gaining valuable skills and insights to bolster their CVs and prepare for a successful career in business or finance.

Global Vision International (GVI)

GVI offers unique business internships abroad that help you grow your business management skills while making a real impact. These internships are perfect for anyone looking to dive into sectors like service, micro-enterprise, and sustainability. You won’t just be sitting in an office; you’ll be out in the field, learning from experts and applying your skills in real-world situations. GVI’s internships are designed to give you a global business perspective, focusing on sustainable practices and positive community contributions.

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What you’ll learn includes project management, social media, and effective communication, all while gaining certifications from the University of Richmond. GVI is recognized for its dedication to international education and high-standard business practices, ensuring your internship is both ethical and impactful.

GVI’s Women’s Empowerment Internship in South Africa merges finance with social impact, offering a unique opportunity for those interested in finance to contribute to gender equality efforts in Cape Town. Over 4 to 12 weeks, interns support women in developing income-generating skills and businesses, directly applying finance knowledge to empower communities. This experience is not just about gaining finance skills but also about making a real difference in gender equity and community development. It’s an ideal program for anyone in finance looking to apply their expertise in meaningful ways while experiencing South Africa’s rich culture.

Beyond the Classroom: Securing Your Dream Finance Internship


The journey to securing a finance internship, whether it’s for high school students or undergraduates, demands preparation, perseverance, and a willingness to learn. As you navigate this path, remember that each internship is a stepping stone towards a fulfilling career in finance. With a strategic approach to your applications, interviews, and the internship itself, you’re setting the stage for a successful entry into the world of finance.