
Visit Orangutan Foundation's website to learn more about their programs abroad



Our Orangutan Conservation Volunteer Programme is like no other, now in its 18th year, not only will you experience essential hands-on conservation work but you will also see the critically endangered orangutan in its natural habitat.
Location: Central Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo.

Date: 23rd July – 13th August 2018 (arrival and departure dates in/out of Pangkalan Bun, Indonesian Borneo).

Project: This project will be a unique opportunity to take part in orangutan conservation while living and working in orangutan habitat. Previous projects have included construction of orangutan release sites and guard posts in protected areas, renovating a tropical forest research station and an information centre. All projects directly benefit orangutan conservation.

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  • Conservation
  • Ecotourism
  • Animals
  • Environment
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