Visit help2kids's website to learn more about their programs abroad
help2kids offers children in Africa the opportunity for education, nutrition, and a place to live. We strive to give young people a lasting perspective that will help them to achieve a better life.
We run community projects in Tanzania and Malawi, including a children’s home, local nursery schools and primary schools, health care and community projects. For more info, please visit We are always looking for motivated people willing to volunteer with us! We provide nice, clean and safe accommodation at our Friendly Gecko Guesthouses ( Volunteers can also choose to work in both Tanzania and Malawi and experience completely different cultures of East Africa. Have a look at our websites and send an email to [email protected]!
8 Dec 2012
Perfect accommodation for good price. Very nice projects with children's home, nursery and primary school. You can combine two countries (Tanzania and Malawi).Read more
Perfect accommodation for good price. Very nice projects with children's home, nursery and primary school. You can combine two countries (Tanzania and Malawi).
8 Dec 2012
The organization offers very great prices and absolutly a nice accomodation and great projects at the help2kids childrens home.Read more
The organization offers very great prices and absolutly a nice accomodation and great projects at the help2kids childrens home.